Open Circle and Wellesley Centers for Women logos

Since its founding in 1987, Open Circle’s unique, whole-school approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) has transformed hundreds of schools across the United States into communities where students feel safe, cared for, and engaged in learning. For over 34 successful years as an action project of the Wellesley Centers for Women, Open Circle has influenced and facilitated the growth of the SEL field and the emergence of a new generation of SEL leaders. Open Circle will transition to a legacy program of the Wellesley Centers for Women, effective June 30, 2021. Open Circle will sunset current offerings, while the Wellesley Centers for Women will continue to build on Open Circle’s groundbreaking work and promote SEL in educational spaces in new ways. Open Circle schools will receive more information about this transition over the next few months.

Please direct questions about Open Circle to the Wellesley Centers for Women at

April 8, 2021

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