Wellesley College student interns 2021-2022

At the start of the academic year, five Wellesley College students began internships through the Class of 1967 Internship Program at the Wellesley Centers for Women. Throughout the 2021-2022 academic year, each student intern will gain social science research experience under the mentorship of a WCW research scientist. Interns will have opportunities to help with data collection and analysis in ongoing research studies, contribute to academic journal articles, attend virtual conferences, and present alongside their mentors.

The named internships, which were established by generous gifts from Wellesley College alums and friends of WCW, are awarded each year to Wellesley College students who seek to make a difference in the world through research and action.

Meet the 2021-22 interns:

Laura ChoLaura Cho ’22
The Anne Murray Ladd Student Internship

Laura will work with Georgia Hall, Ph.D., to study the impact of an afterschool STEM program for girls.

“As someone who has been a mentor to elementary and middle school students before, I became intrigued by Dr. Hall’s research on positive youth development. I am interested in researching the impact these afterschool programs have, especially when it comes to closing the gender gap in STEM.”


Rebekah HobbsRebekah Hobbs ’22
The Morse Fellowship

Rebekah will work alongside mentor Tracy Gladstone, Ph.D., to support depression prevention initiatives for adolescents and young adults.

“I am excited to be working with Dr. Gladstone's lab because her research on depression prevention and intervention will not only help adolescents throughout the United States but also directly impact the Wellesley community I am proud to be a part of.”


Yanqing LeiYanqinq Lei ’23
The Linda Coyne Lloyd Student Research Internship

Yanqing will develop a research study examining ways to increase society’s value and appreciation of care workers, many of whom are women of color, under the guidance of mentor Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D.

“I am interested in working with Professor Robeson because her research experience focuses on work, families, and children, which relates deeply to my personal passions in supporting low-income women of color.”


Simone ToneySimone Toney ’23
The Class of 1967 Internship

Under the mentorship of Linda Williams, Ph.D., Simone will support several large research projects of the Justice and Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative.

“I am looking forward to working with Dr. Williams because I want to learn more about how the psychology of both victims of sexual assault and individuals working within the criminal justice system interact and how to promote justice for victims of sexual assault.”



Jules WeedJules Weed ’22
The Shirley R. Sherr Student Internship

Jules will work with Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., in the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab on several studies related to social media use, civic engagement, and health. Jules previously worked as a data collector for the lab.

“I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to continue working with Dr. Charmaraman. I look forward to strengthening my research and communication skills as well as contributing to knowledge in a field that touches on my passions for youth development, education, and public health.”

September 22, 2021

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