Wellesley College student interns 2022-2023

At the start of the academic year, five Wellesley College students began internships through the Class of 1967 Internship Program at the Wellesley Centers for Women. Throughout the 2022-2023 academic year, each student intern will gain social science research experience under the mentorship of a WCW research scientist. Interns will have opportunities to help with data collection and analysis in ongoing research studies, contribute to academic journal articles, attend conferences, and present alongside their mentors.

The named internships, which were established by generous gifts from Wellesley College alums and friends of WCW, are awarded each year to Wellesley College students who seek to make a difference in the world through research and action.

Meet the 2022-23 interns:

AroshiRahnuma Aroshi ’25
Shirley R Sherr Student Research Internship

Aroshi is conducting her own social science research under the guidance of mentor Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D. She will study female roles in fairytales and folktales, especially the roles of female villains.

“I'm super excited to learn more about research skills and that I have the opportunity to take something I'm passionate about and see how it connects to my Wellesley experience!”


Carolyn BacajCarolyn Bacaj ’23
The Anne Murray Ladd Student Internship

Carolyn will be working with Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., on a variety of projects of the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab pertaining to the risks and benefits of using social technologies in adolescence. She plans to focus on academic papers about depression and body image and a collaboration with the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital.

“I’m so excited to continue working with Dr. Charmaraman through the academic-year internship. I am especially looking forward to learning more about mixed-methods research, co-presenting at the APHA conference, and collaborating with my mentors at Cheever House.”


JulianaJuliana Juarbe ’23
The Class of 1967 Internship

Juliana will work with Jennifer M. Grossman, Ph.D., to code and interpret data from previous interviews on how teenagers and their families discuss sex and relationships.

“I feel very passionately about this project, especially the particular scope that Dr. Grossman has chosen to study. As a queer, Latina scholar I have had first-hand involvement in the areas surrounding communication with family regarding topics such as sexuality and mental health. There is much stigma surrounding both topics, especially within the Latinx community, which is why I am so excited to be able to contribute my personal experience in a project that will help break down barriers within different communities.”



Sarah KimSarah Kim ’23
Linda Coyne Lloyd Student Research Internship

Sarah will work alongside mentor Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D., to design a research project on racialized mothering practices by immigrant mothers of color.

“I am excited to work on this project because it touches on the intersectionality of race, class, and gender and how subtly the racialization and gendering processes take place in our lives.”


AddieAddie New-Schmidt ’23
The Morse Fellowship

Addie will work with Sari Kerr, Ph.D., on her research project investigating entrepreneurship and self-employment as career paths for women, and how opting into those careers impacts women's social mobility, particularly for women with or expecting children.

“As a student interested in a career in economics research and deeply passionate about using economics as a means to investigate gender disparities and discrimination, I'm super excited to work on this project and gain experience with economics research while investigating how entrepreneurship and career choices interact with gender.”

Internship Reflection: Fathers Belong in Conversations with Their Teens about Sex and Relationships

Audrey DiMarcoOn the Women Change Worlds blog, Audrey DiMarco reflects on her internship with Jennifer M. Grossman, Ph.D., during the summer of 2022.

October 24, 2022

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