WCW Student Ambassadors

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Who are the WCW Student Ambassadors?

The Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) Student Ambassadors are a team of Wellesley College students dedicated to the purpose of building bridges between the Wellesley Centers for Women and the Wellesley College student body.

Student Ambassador Responsibilities

WCW Student Ambassadors will promote WCW at Wellesley College, gather information about student knowledge of and attitudes about WCW, mobilize and organize student participation in WCW public events, serve as a student focus group for the WCW Executive Director, assist with internal research about WCW, and contribute to the utilization of social media vis-à-vis WCW. Ambassadors will be expected to attend monthly meetings each semester.

Student Ambassador Testimonials

"I decided to join the WCW Student Ambassadors my first year because I happened upon the WCW website and was incredibly interested in WCW's commitment to research and action. My favorite part about these two years has been getting to work closely with the WCW staff who I would not otherwise have gotten the chance to personally meet. I particularly enjoyed the event we held this semester (Spring 2014), about the power of data for social change and hearing how each senior research scientist made tangible impacts in their work.

It is so important that WCW and Student Ambassadors bridge the connection between the Centers and Wellesley students. So many students are interested in social change and activism, but now many have heard about the Centers to know how to best bring about that change. I can personally say that witn my involvement as an Ambassador and research intern with Dr. Linda Charmaraman this year and next year, I am truly delving into how research can directly influcence other people and in what form this change could take.

Wellesley students should join the Student Ambassadors to get to know other like-minded and passionate students and to put on WCW, research-related events for the student body!"

- Bernice Chan, Class of 2016
Ethnic Studies Individual Major


 "I decided to join the WCW Student Ambassadors because I wanted to be involved with an organization devoted to research by women, for women. I wanted to help advocate for the presence of th is organization to students of the college because I had never heard of it before and it seemed like such an important organization to know about.

I believe that the women-specific research is the most important thing WCW is doing. It is important to conduct this type of research because there are a number of women's issues that require attention and knowledge. It is a duty that we are bound to carry out as a collective gender identity. Women cannot have a voice if they do not have the knowledge to back their needs.

Other Wellesley students should join WCW Student Ambassadors because more awareness is needed of this amazing organization. I believe that all Wellesley students would benefit from being associated with an organization devoted to women and children specific research."

- Danielle Zarbin, Class of 2016
Women and Genders Studies

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For Journalists

Contact our external relations department to arrange an interview with a WCW expert:

  • 781.283.2500
  • news-wcw@wellesley[dot]edu


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