Click here to read a typed version of Layli's letter>>
P.S. Your generosity is always needed and appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Friends,
Welcome to 2018! We didn’t think we’d make it through last year, but we did. Between nuclear missile tests, terrorist attacks and mass shootings, hurricanes and wildfires, immigration and healthcare concerns, nonstop political intrigue, and even the solar eclipse, there was barely a moment’s rest. Yet, as I reflect back on the year, what stands out to me – what I really remember and continue to think about – is all of the gains for women. Quietly and loudly, it was a year when women really mobilized – together and with others – to move women’s issues forward with great force.
Just think: We started the year with the Women’s March. Who can forget the sea of pink hats on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and the fact that women all over the world – in 673 different locales, from Antarctica, Argentina, and Australia, to Tanzania, Thailand, and the U.K. – were wearing them? We let the world know that we are a force to be reckoned with. By autumn, we were taking down titans, demanding accountability for sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexist bullying, and other forms of violence against women that had been going on for years in the workplace and beyond. Our voices mattered! Our voices had impact! And, more than anything, it was our coming together that got the job done.
We ended the year with the news that a powerful group of women had come together to make sure that the gains of the year would have longevity, and that the wave we started in 2017 would continue to gain momentum in 2018. I was particularly excited to hear that this new coalition, The Commission on Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace, or so-called “Hollywood Commission,” will be led by our able friend Anita Hill, once a visiting scholar at the Wellesley Centers for Women. This commission has set a big agenda and is bringing heavy hitters from entertainment, business, law, and even venture capital to the job.
Now, as we stand on the precipice of the new year, we must think deeply about what it means for each of us individually to contribute to this momentum – and how we can bring groups, large or small, that we are already part of into the wider circle of social change and social movement. We must also think deeply about the quieter, less glitzy, but equally important aspects of the work that will ensure that true, sustainable social change follows from the recent explosion of activity.
For example, what are we doing for girls? How are we keeping them safe and also making sure they have the knowledge, confidence, and support to grow up free from the kinds of violence that many of us in older generations have had to endure? And how are we raising our boys, so that they grow up with a different mindset, one that says an emphatic NO to the patriarchal attitudes that have not only normalized, but also tutored, violence against women for so long? We have to think long term and address problems at their root.
Furthermore, how are we going to keep holding our social institutions accountable? From our three branches of government to corporations and businesses, medical institutions, educational institutions, religious institutions, and, especially, the media – we have to keep demanding accountability and change. Are we looking at policy through the microscope, getting rid of outdated policies that don’t serve women and authoring new gender-equal policies where none yet exist? And are we demanding that policy is put into practice? We must utilize the momentum we have started and make this change ecological – that is, implemented in every sector of society for all age groups and all types of people.
At the Wellesley Centers for Women, we are clear about our role: For 44 years now, we have done the kind of gold-standard research that makes it possible for activists, advocates, policymakers, and change-makers to do their work on the foundation of rock solid data and evidence. For example, we have made it possible for Dr. Nan Stein to study peer sexual harassment in middle and high schools – and its relationship to the emergence of teen dating violence and later intimate partner violence – for decades, and to develop innovative programs for its elimination, based on linking social science with the application of Title IX law.
We have made it possible for Dr. Linda Williams, an internationally recognized expert on domestic violence, trafficking, rape, rape prosecution, and college sexual assault, to conduct studies, often funded by the National Institute of Justice, that result in better policies and practices in places like the military, universities, police departments, and courtrooms.
We have made it possible for Dr. Jenny Grossman to study how family communications affect young teens’ understandings about sex and sexual behavior, including risky sexual behavior, and for Dr. Linda Charmaraman to study how teens’ media consumption and social media use relate to some of their exposure to and engagement in sexually risky behaviors.
In short, we are doing the work, and will keep doing the work – the work that is so badly needed in this moment, and will continue to be needed into the foreseeable future. Gold-standard research is not the kind of work that can be done on a moment’s notice, within the fleeting span of a news cycle, or just in time for tomorrow’s headlines; rather, it is work that must be imagined, planned, and carefully executed well before we know exactly when or where it will be needed. This is why we rely on the foresight and deep expertise of our feminist and womanist researchers and on supporters like you who always keep the flame lit with your passion for the issues and your contributions to our important work. Together, we have contributed to this big wave of change that emerged in 2017 and will continue to amass power in 2018.
I can’t think of a better reason to say “Happy New Year!!” Can you??
With joy and gratitude,
Layli Maparyan
Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67 Executive Director
P.S. Your generosity is always needed and appreciated. Thank you.
Tamara Beauboeuf-Lafontant is a visiting scholar at the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW) for the 2013-2014 academic year while on sabbatical from her position as professor of women's studies at DePauw University in Greencastle, IN. She holds an AB in English literature from Bryn Mawr College, an MA in Africana Studies from Cornell University, and an Ed.D. in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Dr. Beauboeuf-Lafontant is a feminist sociologist with interests in racialized gender, embodiment, girlhood, and alternative femininities. Her research, which has been published in Teachers College Record, The Urban Review, Meridians, Gender & Society, and Qualitative Sociology, has examined teachers’ negotiations of race and gender in their identities and pedagogy, and the incorporation of feminine standards of goodness into the body and psyche. The latter is most recently investigated in her book, Behind the Mask of the Strong Black Woman: Voice and the Embodiment of a Costly Performance (Temple University Press: 2009).
During her time at WCW, Dr. Beauboeuf-Lafontant is working on a book manuscript focused on the rise of the “school girl” and the “college woman” as social identities, and their developmental and ethical impact on the lives and work of a group of Progressive Era social reformers.
B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.B.A., Stanford University
nbiro@wellesley[dot]edu \ LinkedIn
Link to CV
Former co-director of Open Circle
Nova Biro, M.B.A., served as Open Circle co-director from 2009 to 2017, after initially joining as director of finance and operations in 2007. Her experience includes more than fifteen years in leadership, program management, partnerships, finance and marketing in both the education and technology fields. Prior roles include Senior Product Manager at Yahoo!, Co-Founder and Director of Product Management at and Strategy Consultant at Gemini Consulting. She is the proud mother of twin girls, who loved attending an Open Circle elementary school.
Biro holds an M.B.A. and a Certificate in Public Management from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and also holds bachelor's degrees in Economics from the Wharton School and Systems Engineering from School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning in Massachusetts. Moderated full-day workshop. Open Circle and Apperson, Inc. Wellesley, MA. January 2016.
Collaboration to Achieve Whole School SEL Across a Large, Urban District. Paper presentation, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Fall 2014 Conference, Washington, DC. September 2014.
The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning to Boston Schools. Testimony for Boston City Council Docket #0451. Boston, MA. December 2012.
Open Circle’s Best Practices for Social and Emotional Learning. Presentation to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Malden, MA. March 2011.
Recent funding secured for Open Circle includes grants from NoVo Foundation, Templeton Foundation (in partnership with Greater Good Science Center), Partners HealthCare (in partnership with Boston Public Health Commission) and program fees from over 200 schools.
Porche, M., Grossman, J., Costello, D., Biro, N., MacKay, N., Rivers, S. April 2015. Collaboration to Enhance Whole School Social and Emotional Learning for Elementary Students. American Educational Research Association 2015 Annual Meeting.
Porche, M., Grossman, J., Biro, N., MacKay, N., & Rivers, S. September 4, 2014. Collaboration to Achieve Whole School SEL Across a Large, Urban District. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Fall 2014 Conference.
Co-authored several Open Circle publications, including the Open Circle Curriculum Grades K-5, Open Circle training manuals and assessment tools, Open Circle quarterly e-newsletters, and several white papers: Helping Children Deal with Traumatic Events, Open Circle and DESSA Alignment, Open and PBIS, Reinforcing SEL Schoolwide, SEL Best Practices.
Founding steering committee member, SEL Alliance for Massachusetts, 2013 to present.
Board member, World of Wellesley, 2015 to present.
Alumni, LeadBoston, Class of 2013.
Participant, SEED Seminars hosted at the Wellesley Centers for Women, 2015 to present.
Ph.D. and M.A., Tufts University, B.A., Wellesley College
Link to CV
Research interests include youth and adolescent development with a focus on physical activity, healthy eating, and out-of-school time.
Kristen Fay Poston, Ph.D. was a research scientist at the National Institute of Out-of-School Time (NIOST) for several years through 2016, and a visiting lecturer in the psychology department at Wellesley College. She remains in the latter position where she teaches courses in adolescent and adult psychology. Her research focused primarily on identifying and describing the individual and contextual factors that influence developmental trajectories of positive psychological and physical health among adolescents, most specifically with regard to weight regulation and perception, dietary habits, eating attitudes and behaviors, and patterns of physical activity. She usef an interdisciplinary approach that integrates psychological theories with nutrition science, education, public health, and psychiatric perspectives. Methodologically, Poston has worked with a variety of longitudinal and cross-sectional data sets.
Poston earned her bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Wellesley College and earned her Master’s degree and doctorate in applied child development from Tufts University.
Poston was the principal investigator of a mixed methods evaluation of an afterschool and summer program designed to measure academic and psychosocial outcomes among middle school youth enrolled in the program. She also collaborated with the Providence Afterschool Association (PASA) on their Badging Initiative. Poston was a member of the NIOST research team evaluating the impact of a before-school physical activity program on children’s learning and non-learning outcomes. She was also a member of the team evaluating the Boston and Beyond Summer Learning Project, an integrative summer program that unites Boston Public Schools with community-based organizations to promote improved learning and non-learning outcomes among urban youth.
Prior to joining NIOST, Poston held research appointments at the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University and at the Massachusetts General Hospital Eating Disorders Clinical and Research Program in Boston. She has also taught courses in adolescent psychology at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education.