• Research Points the Way Toward Innovations in Women's Education

    Research Points the Way Toward Innovations in Women's Education

    March 2025

    WCW hosted a virtual parallel event of the 2025 UN Commission on the Status of Women, highlighting the importance of both research and innovation in the education of women and girls around the world.


  • New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    January 2025

    WCW is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Women’s Foundation of Boston to conduct an in-depth analysis of the state of women and girls across Massachusetts, with a particular emphasis on their economic empowerment.


  • New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    December 2024

    This special 50th anniversary edition of the Research & Action Report looks back at some of our most significant accomplishments of the last 50 years—and looks ahead to how our research scientists and project directors are taking that work into the future.


  • Homepage - Peggy Induction

    Induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    March 2024

    Senior Research Scientist Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame alongside Serena Williams, Ruby Bridges, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and six others.

    Watch Now >>


Wellesley Centers for Women 

is a research and action institute at Wellesley College that is focused on women and gender and driven by social change.
Our mission is to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing through high-quality research, theory, and action programs.



“Womanism is a social change perspective based on the cultural wisdom and practical knowledge of everyday women from around the world, applied more broadly to world-scale problems,” notes Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., the Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67 Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women. “It is historically rooted in the experiences and perspectives of Africana women and other women of color, whose cultural orientation has been towards the integration of human, ecological, and spiritual factors in the creation of wellbeing for their families and communities. This work focuses on the applicability of womanism on a global scale, and is critical today,” she stresses, “because it provides people with a holistic, wellness- and consciousness-oriented social and environmental change paradigm that complements perspectives, such as feminism, that are more institutionally focused.”

Watch Dr. Maparyan’s brief interview during which she discusses the mission of the Wellesley Centers for Women, and how feminism and womanism thread throughout the Centers’ work.

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