Gail Cruise-Roberson
Co-Director, National SEED Project
- B.A., Queens College (CUNY)
- gcruiser@wellesley[dot]edu \ LinkedIn
Facilitator of small group conversations on topics of oppression, privilege, and diversity -- without blame, shame, or guilt; Also interested in public education reform and adult education
As co-director of the National SEED Project, Gail Cruise-Roberson supports New York City-area SEED Leaders who run their own year-long, school-based SEED seminars. She is also working to develop content for the growing National SEED Project website.
Cruise-Roberson became a SEED leader in 1994 and went on to co-facilitate SEED seminars for community leaders, teachers, and professional development colleagues in the South Orange/Maplewood, NJ public school district, and subsequently worked with parents and teachers in Chicago and Oak Park, Il.
See Gail Cruise-Roberson's Projects
Throughout her career, Cruise-Roberson has worked in public education reform and adult education in New York City, Newark, NJ, and Chicago, Il. In 1999, Cruise-Roberson began working to train diversity facilitators -- teachers as well as high school students and parents -- to lead their own year-long seminars with the Minnesota Inclusiveness Project. In 2008, she joined the staff at the National SEED Project and co-facilitated SEED seminars in California. She is also a hospice volunteer and is exploring new ways of working with the aging that incorporate the vision and strategies learned through her work with SEED.
She has a B.A. in English and graduate work in communications from Queens College (CUNY), with a focus on small group communication.
Cruise-Roberson has led sessions at the following conferences:
- Creating Change Conference, hosted by the National LGBTQ Task Force
- White Privilege Conference
- NAME Conference, hosted by the National Association for Multicultural Education
- NAIS People of Color Conference, hosted by the National Association of Independent Schools
- Diversity Challenge Conference, hosted by Boston College