Lunchtime Seminar November 1, 2012 (31:08 min.)In this presentation, Nan Stein, Ph.D., talked about the shift that the terms used to teach about interpersonal violence among youth in K-12 schools have undergone in the last few decades.
Nan D. Stein, Ed.D.: The Shift from Teen Dating Violence to Healthy Relationship Promotion: Losing the Gender Perspective
Lunchtime Seminar November 1, 2012 (31:08 min.)
In this presentation, Nan Stein, Ph.D., talked about the shift that the terms used to teach about interpersonal violence among youth in K-12 schools have undergone in the last few decades. The vocabulary previously utilized, such as "teen dating violence" or "rape prevention education" has morphed into "healthy relationship promotion," silencing the salience of both gender and violence. The preponderance of male violence in interpersonal relationships as confirmed by a variety of surveys and crime reports has been transformed into explanations that present relationship violence is one that is mutually created, sustained and experienced equivalently by males and females. Whether prevention education on teen dating violence to students in middle and secondary schools is implemented by staff from sexual assault and domestic violence agencies or is conducted by school district personnel through health education classes, a requirement that unfortunately is in decline in public education, gender neutrality seems to prevail.