Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D. and Nancy L. Marshall, Ed.D.
Lunchtime Seminar, September 22, 2016 (54:00 min)
Studies show that the early years are important for children's growth and development, school readiness, and later life. Yet, the United States still lacks a coordinated national policy. In this program, Robeson and Marshall presented the major issues facing young children and their families, discussed their research at local, state, and national levels, and made recommendations for families, educators, and policymakers interested in advancing early childhood education policy.
Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D., is a senior research scientist on the Work, Families, & Children Team (WFCT) at WCW, where she studies child development, early child care, early education, and school readiness. WFCT is led by Nancy L. Marshall, Ed.D., a senior research scientist and associate director at WCW as well as an adjunct professor at Wellesley College.
Presentation Audio: