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Dana Rudolph and Katie Couric at Family Equality Council Gala

Over 800 guests gathered in New York, NY, on May 7, 2018, in celebration of LGBTQ families at a gala hosted by Family Equality Council. On that night, award-winning journalist Katie Couric and writer Dana Rudolph ’88 were honored for their commitment to the LGBTQ community.

Rudolph received the Hostetter-Habib Family Award in recognition of her writing and advocating for LGBTQ parents at her blog Mombian, in media outlets across the country, and by organizing the annual Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day (#LGBTQFamiliesDay). Rudolph is also a central part of the Wellesley Centers for Women family. She is a Wellesley College alumna and the online content manager for the National SEED Project, a program of WCW.

“I'm truly honored to have received this award,” Rudolph said to Family Equality Council. “Being a parent is the most awesome, frightening, and joyous responsibility in the world. For me, it has meant teaching my son what he needs to thrive and trying to make the world a better place for him to thrive in. Family Equality's work has made this task easier, not only for me, but also for many, many other LGBTQ families, and I am grateful for all that they do.”

The award recognizes those who share an unwavering commitment to Family Equality Council’s core values: love, justice, family, and equality, demonstrated through work on the front lines to advance equality for all loving families.

Read more from Family Equality Council.

June 18, 2018

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