• Homepage - Peggy Induction

    Induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    March 2024

    Senior Research Scientist Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame alongside Serena Williams, Ruby Bridges, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and six others.

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  • Homepage - Evaluating Planned Parenthood

    Evaluating Planned Parenthood's Sex Ed Program for High Schoolers

    December 2023

    Senior Research Scientist Jennifer M. Grossman, Ph.D., received a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to evaluate the effectiveness of "Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works," a program for high school students.


  • Homepage - PTSD Funding

    WCW Research Scientist Will Implement PTSD Treatment in University Counseling Centers

    December 2023

    Katherine R. Buchholz, Ph.D., has been approved for a $2.5 million funding award by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

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  • Homepage - Health Advisory

    Health advisory on social media use in adolescence

    May 2023

    Senior Research Scientist Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., co-authored a health advisory on social media use in adolescence released by the American Psychological Association.

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Wellesley Centers for Women 

is a research and action institute at Wellesley College that is focused on women and gender and driven by social change.
Our mission is to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing through high-quality research, theory, and action programs.


Research & Action Report Fall/Winter 2013

Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., WCW executive director, visited Cape Verde July 26-August 2, 2013 with a Wellesley College delegation charged with building connections in the West African island nation. Maparyan had the opportunity to visit the Centro de Investigação em Género e Família (CIGEF), a sister research institute housed at the University of Cape Verde and headed by Dr. Clementina Furtado, where she discussed the possibility of future collaborative ventures. At the invitation of the U.S. Ambassador to Cape Verde, Adrienne O’Neal, and with her Wellesley College colleagues, Maparyan was privileged to attend the formal signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Department of State and Cape Verde to address gender-based violence in Cape Verde.

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