Wendy B. Surr, M.A.
Research Associate
National Institute on Out-of-School Time
Wendy B. Surr has 25 years experience in the fields of early childhood and after school care, with a diverse background both in creating and shaping after school policy and action for communities and in evaluating the quality and effectiveness of after school programs and staff development initiatives.
For the past 10 years, Surr has directed or consulted numerous projects for a variety of organizations. As NIOST Evaluation Consultant to the Massachusetts Department of Education, she co-created an outcome-based evaluation system for MA DOE 21st CCLC grantees, including the development of the SAYO-youth outcome and APT program quality assessment tools currently in use by programs across the state.
Other research and evaluation projects include Evaluator for the City of Cambridge Leading for Quality Initiative, a multi-faceted quality improvement initiative involving over 40 Cambridge after school programs; Consultant to Taking the Lead, a national initiative designed to build the capacity and diversity of leadership in the field of early care and education; Co-Evaluator for Achieve Boston, a multi-year effort to pilot a training system and establish a Blue Print for a comprehensive, professional development system to serve school-age and youth workers in the City of Boston; Co-Evaluator for Boston 4Quality, a multi-year quality improvement initiative involving the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, the Y.M.C.A. of Boston, Parents United for Child Care and the National Institute on Out-of-School Time; and Evaluation Consultant for San Jose 4Quality, a multi-site, multi-year quality improvement initiative in San Jose, CA. During this time Surr also consulted to the United Way of Massachusetts Bay, the Massachusetts School-Age Coalition, Plowshares Education Development Corporation, Early Childhood Associates, The Institute for Leadership and Career Initiatives at Wheelock College, and Work/Family Directions (WFD).
Other positions held by Surr include eight years as Executive Director of the Newton Child Care Commission & Fund, one of the first city-wide child care and after school initiatives in the country; Research Coordinator for a NIMH funded research project at Tufts University examining the effects of divorce on children; and Early Childhood Specialist for 20 school districts as part of the Massachusetts Department of Education Chapter 188 Initiative.
Surr holds a B.A. in Psychology from Bard College and an M.A. in Early Childhood Development from Tufts University.
Video: Wendy Surr and Ellen Gannett, M.Ed., explore the current issues surrounding expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) in this WCW video series. Surr and Gannett emphasize that afterschool programs and extended learning days should not focus on just more time in the day, but how that time is used and how well that time is used. Expanded learning opportunities offer a different kind of learning that can take advantage of different settings in the community and integrates both cognitive and social development in children. Click here to watch the videos.