Corinne McKamey, Ed.D.
Work published elsewhere
Bernard, R., C. Cervoni, C. Desir, & McKamey, C. (2009). “Understanding the “I” in the Academy.” in Luttrell, W., ed. Qualitative Research in Education Reader. New York: Routledge.
Porche, M., McKamey, C. & Wong, P. (2009). Positive Influences of Education and Recruitment on Aspirations of High School Girls to Study Engineering in College. Published conference proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education.
McKamey, C. (1997). Using real world projects in the classroom. Teaching and Change, 4(3), 245-257.
Henry, E., J. Huntley, C. McKamey & Harper, L.T. (1995). To be a teacher: Voices from the classroom. Newbury Park: Corwin Press.
Conference Presentations:
Porche, M., McKamey, C. & Chu, J.Y. (2009). High school students’ masculine and feminine gender ideology and college STEM aspirations. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
McKamey, C. (2006). Caring too much to conceptualize the concept of care. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Merseth, K., McKamey, C., & Toshalis, E. (2006). University Supervisors as mentors: A case study curriculum for ‘advisors’ and their preservice teachers. Paper presented at the New Teacher Symposium on Teacher Induction, San Jose, CA.
McKamey, C. (2005). Turned apart: Immigrant students remaking themselves in language affinity groups in an urban high school. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal.
McKamey, C. (2005). Witnessing and moral imperatives: Competing teacher discourses. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal.
McKamey, C. (2004). Engaging Latina/o and differential perspectives on caring in education: Toward transethnic and transclass conceptualizations. Panel presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA.
Bernard, R., Cervoni, C., Desir, C. & McKamey, C. (2002). Finding the ‘I’ in the academy. Paper presented at the Ethnography and Qualitative Research Education Conference, Dusquene University, Pittsburgh, PA.