• Homepage - Peggy Induction

    Induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    March 2024

    Senior Research Scientist Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame alongside Serena Williams, Ruby Bridges, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and six others.

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  • Homepage - Evaluating Planned Parenthood

    Evaluating Planned Parenthood's Sex Ed Program for High Schoolers

    December 2023

    Senior Research Scientist Jennifer M. Grossman, Ph.D., received a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to evaluate the effectiveness of "Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works," a program for high school students.


  • Homepage - PTSD Funding

    WCW Research Scientist Will Implement PTSD Treatment in University Counseling Centers

    December 2023

    Katherine R. Buchholz, Ph.D., has been approved for a $2.5 million funding award by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

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  • Homepage - Health Advisory

    Health advisory on social media use in adolescence

    May 2023

    Senior Research Scientist Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., co-authored a health advisory on social media use in adolescence released by the American Psychological Association.

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Wellesley Centers for Women 

is a research and action institute at Wellesley College that is focused on women and gender and driven by social change.
Our mission is to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing through high-quality research, theory, and action programs.


Network Laws, Policies, & Practices

Strengthen Rights of Older Women
July 2009

On July 21st, at the CEDAW Committee sessions, Ferdous Ara Begum, a member of the leadership network announced a proposal for a general recommendation to be adopted by all countries that have ratified CEDAW to strengthen the rights of older women at both national and international levels. CEDAW Committee member and chair of the working group on the general recommendation (GR), Ms Ferdous Ara Begum, introduced the general recommendation outlining key points from the concept note on the general recommendation CEDAW/C/2009/II/WP.1/R. Read more.

The Domestic Violence Act 1994-Malaysia
June 2009

Zarizana Abdul Aziz created a memorandum Carol Chandran, then with a Toronto Uni intern now a lawyer in Canada for the Women’s Centre for Change (WCC). The Domestic Violence Act (DVA), enacted in 1994, is widely recognized as an important measure in the broader goal to end domestic violence in Malaysia. In addition to acknowledging domestic violence as a public concern, the DVA aims to provide greater legal protection to domestic violence victims. Read memorandum.

Bangladesh High Court Division
May 2009

In the Supreme Court of Bangladesh High Court Division (Special Original Jurisdiction) Writ Petition No. 5916 of 2008. In the matter of an application under Article 102(2) (a) (ii) of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.and In the matter of Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA)...... the petitioner Versus Government of Bangladesh and Others. Heard on 16.10.2008, 13.11.2008, 9.3.2009, 11.3.2009. Judgment on 14.5.2009. Read full document.

Nepal Domestic Violence Crime and Punishment Bill

April 2009-09-09

Network partners announced the passage and adoption of the Domestic Violence (Crime and Punishment) Bill, 2008 by the Parliament in Nepal on 19th April 2009. Domestic Violence has been one of the primary obstacles in the process of achieving gender equality and ensuring gender justice in Nepal, a country in which 50.05 % of the total population are women. Statistics collated by the Women's Cell depict registration of 1100 complaints for offences considered as acts of domestic violence during the year 2007 - 2008, and 881 cases registered during 2008 - 2009. While there exists no statistics on the number of cases resulting in court action, statistics collated internally at FWLD alone depicts 70% of cases brought to its legal aid cell to be related to one or other forms of domestic violence. Read more.

Morocco’s Watershed Family Law

In early 2004, a milestone Family Law came into force supporting women’s equality and granting them rights in marriage and divorce, among others.

The 2004 legislation replaces the family law included in the Moudawana and includes the following reforms: (Read more.)

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