Each year, the Wellesley Centers for Women offers five to six social science research internships to Wellesley College students through the Class of 1967 Internship Program. During this panel from the 2021 Wellesley College Ruhlman Conference, five students share insights from their WCW internships.

Jump to these timestamps in the video above to hear a specific presentation:

00:00 - Eshika Kaul ’23 was mentored by Senior Research Scientist Wendy Robeson, Ed.D., while she designed an independent study that explored whether household income impacts the way in which traumatic childhood experiences affect self-esteem and risky behaviors.

08:08 - Rachel Hodes ’21 worked on various research studies with Senior Research Scientist Linda Charmaraman, Ph.D., and the Youth, Media & Wellbeing Research Lab. Rachel contributed to studies on LGBT+ adolescents' social media use, connections between YouTube and youth development, and positive and negative impacts of social media use and gaming for middle schoolers.

17:10 - Hayley Moniz ’22 collaborated with Senior Research Scientist Linda Williams, Ph.D., of the Justice and Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative on multiple studies that explore society's response to rape and sexual assault, including changes to Title IX enforcement and how prosecutors make decisions regarding sexual violence cases.

26:16 - Charnell Jones ’23 worked with Senior Research Scientist Jennifer Grossman, Ph.D., on studies that explore how parents and their young adult children communicate about sex and relationships.

34:25 - Jennifer (Jenn) Yu ’22 interned with Georgia Hall, Ph.D., director of the National Institute on Out-of-School Time. Jenn shared findings from a study of a STEM program for girls in the rural U.S. and discussed research-based strategies to engage girls in STEM that the study uncovered.

May 20, 2021

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