Julie A. Dennehy Projects

  • Afterschool Program Assessment System (APAS)

    Ongoing since 2006

    APAS is an assessment system that helps programs link quality and youth outcomes together in a comprehensive and integrated fashion. It was developed to help address the accountability challenge that faces afterschool programs.

  • National Institute on Out-of-School Time

    Ongoing since 1979

    NIOST supports the healthy development of children, families, and communities, and advances the OST field through our research, training, advocacy, and tools.

  • Maine Cost and Quality Study

    2001 - 2002

    This study sought to examine full-day, year round child care for preschool-age children in Maine to better illuminate links between the quality and the costs of early child care in Maine.

  • Massachusetts Afterschool Research Study (MARS)

    2003 - 2005

    This project sought to identify the most successful elements of afterschool programs in Massachusetts; including staff, policymaking, funding, and program/activity participation.

  • Massachusetts Capacity Study

    2004 - 2005

    The Capacity Study describes the current early education and care (EEC) workforce in Massachusetts and evaluates the capacity of the State’s higher education system to meet the increased demand for a qualified workforce in early education and care.

  • NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development

    1991 - 2010

    This study, funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, seeks to determine the relationship between children's early experiences and their developmental outcomes.

  • Program Practices: An Investigation of Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Standards and Practices

    2010 - 2011

    This research study uses quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and multiple regression modeling to examine healthy eating and physical activity opportunities in a national sample of out-of-school time programs.

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