• New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    New Study on the State of Women and Girls in Massachusetts

    January 2025

    WCW is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Women’s Foundation of Boston to conduct an in-depth analysis of the state of women and girls across Massachusetts, with a particular emphasis on their economic empowerment.


  • Leadership Change at the Wellesley Centers for Women

    Leadership Change at the Wellesley Centers for Women

    January 2025

    After more than 12 years as the Katherine Stone Kaufmann ’67 Executive Director of the Wellesley Centers for Women (WCW), Layli Maparyan, Ph.D., will leave at the end of February to serve as president of the University of Liberia.


  • New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    New Research & Action Report: Celebrating 50 Years of Social Change

    December 2024

    This special 50th anniversary edition of the Research & Action Report looks back at some of our most significant accomplishments of the last 50 years—and looks ahead to how our research scientists and project directors are taking that work into the future.


  • Homepage - Peggy Induction

    Induction into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    March 2024

    Senior Research Scientist Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame alongside Serena Williams, Ruby Bridges, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and six others.

    Watch Now >>


Wellesley Centers for Women 

is a research and action institute at Wellesley College that is focused on women and gender and driven by social change.
Our mission is to advance gender equality, social justice, and human wellbeing through high-quality research, theory, and action programs.


(formerly presented as Layli Phillips)



Maparyan, L. (2012, April). The "Ladder of Learning": Urban education, culture, and development of the whole child. Invited keynote speaker, 7th Annual Sources of Urban Educational Excellence Conference, Alonzo A. Crim Center for Urban Educational Excellence, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Maparyan, L. (2012, March). Putting spirituality and consciousness at the center of social change: A womanist perspective. Invited keynote speaker, annual meetings of the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association (SEWSA), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Maparyan, L. (2012, February). Worldwide womanism: Building bridges to Liberia. The Begemann-Gordon Lecture in Women’s Studies (Women’s Studies Spring Lecture), Women’s Studies Program and Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA.

Maparyan, L. (2010, October). Beyond race: What’s next? Intersectional and spiritual approaches to identity, diversity, inclusion, and social transformation. Invited keynote speaker, University System of Georgia Board of Regents Diversity Summit, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

Maparyan, L. (2010, August). Gender studies in Liberia and Africa. Fulbright lecture, University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia.

Maparyan, L. (2010, June). Religion vs. spirituality, inspiration economies, and applied mysticism. Invited panelist on interfaith dialog, “One world, diverse faiths: How far can different religious traditions come together in support of a sustainable world, artistic creativity and the pursuit of peace?” Salzburg Global Seminar, 2010 June Board of Directors Weekend, Salzburg, Austria.

Maparyan, L. (2010, June). What do we mean by “Gender Studies”? Invited lecture, Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation, University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia.

Maparyan, L. (2010, April). Inclusion and social change: A conversation. Invited plenary moderator, Women’s Funding Network annual conference, Denver, CO.

Maparyan, L. (2010, March). Food, water, education, employment, ecology…and gender studies: An applied womanist perspective. Invited speaker, “Gender Studies: What Histories Do We Want to Claim?” keynote panel. No Longer in Exile: The Legacy and Future of Gender Studies at the New School conference, New School for Social Research, New York, NY.

Phillips, L. & Stephens, D. (2008, May). Womanism and Hip Hop: A vibrational perspective. Invited lecture at the first annual Hip Hop Studies conference, Florida International University, Miami, FL.

Phillips, L. (2008, April). What’s up on planet Earth?: A New Age ecowomanist perspective.” Invited keynote address, Gender Across Borders III conference, University at Buffalo Gender Institute, Buffalo, NY.

Phillips, L. (2008, March). Mamie Phipps Clark and the shifting politics of race, gender, and psychology in the twentieth century. CEPO/SEPA invited keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), Charlotte, NC.

Phillips, L. (2007, October). Hip Hop: The vibration behind the vibe. Invited lecture for the W.E.B. DuBois Scholars Society, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2007, August). Revolutions in consciousness: Psychology as a force for social change and liberation. Invited Mary Whiton Calkins lecture for Division 26 (History of Psychology) of the American Psychological Association, presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Phillips, L. (2006, October). Back to basics: Experiences and issues facing LGBTQIQ people in the African diaspora. Invited panel presentation at the Remembering Audre Lorde/25th Anniversary of the Women’s Research and Resource Center conference, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2005, March). Provocations in Black: The promise of Africana studies as a crossroads of critical thought and resistance. Invited address in conjunction with receipt of the Ronald C. Foreman, Jr. Lecturer Award presented by the African American Studies Program at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Phillips, L. (2005, October). Black feminism, African feminism, womanism, African womanism, and Africana womanism: The five sisters. Guest lecture for AAS 3975, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2004, July). Mamie Phipps Clark—Shifting politics of race, gender, and psychology. Invited panel presentation for the Psychology and the Brown v. Board of Education Decision 50th anniversary commemorative symposium sponsored by Division 26 (History of Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA), annual meetings of the APA, Honolulu, HI.

Phillips, L. (2004, November). Black feminism, African feminism, womanism, African womanism, Africana womanism, and postcolonial Black feminisms of the global North and South: The seven sisters. Guest lecture for AAS 3975, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2003, March). Keynote panelist conversation (with Susan Glisson, Patricia Mohammed, & Chela Sandoval) for the Critical Moments: Re-Membering Community and Self Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2003, March). The spirit of Afrekete: Anti-homophobia, anti-sexism, and the global Black liberation struggle. Invited convocation address for Women’s History Month, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA.

Phillips, L. (2002, June). Women of color, women’s studies, and the NWSA: Some celebrations and observations. Invited keynote address for the Women’s Studies Program Administrator Pre-conference at the annual meetings of the National Women’s Studies Association, Las Vegas, NV.

Phillips, L. (2001, November). Intersection and confluence: When identity meets at the crossroads. Invited presentation for the Crafting a self: The impact of gender, race, ethnicity, class, nationality and sexual orientation on women’s psychological wellbeing roundtable with Faye Crosby, Agnes Scott College Bonnie Brown Johnson Women’s Health Lectureship, Decatur, GA.



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