Senior Research Scientist Wendy Wagner Robeson, Ed.D., collaborated with Kimberly Lucas, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice in Public Policy and Economic Justice at Northeastern University, on a study of the experiences of family child care providers in Massachusetts in order to better understand which government policies can help them survive and thrive.
With funding from the Massachusetts Early Childhood Funder Collaborative, Robeson and Lucas conducted a survey and focus groups with those who have become licensed home-based child care providers since 2020 and those who have recently left the field.
Their overarching goal was to understand how the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and other statewide partners can strengthen and improve recruitment and retention experiences for family child care providers as we emerge from the pandemic.
Based on their key findings, Robeson and her team made a series of recommendations for EEC and other key actors in the early childhood ecosystem. These recommendations include better communication and provision of business support and digital literacy support, development of mentoring programs, and the cultivation of trusting relationships with licensors.
The study is unique in seeking to understand the experience of family child care providers at this moment in time. The results can serve as the foundation for future insights to inform the early childhood policy landscape in Massachusetts and nationwide.