Ongoing since 2006
APAS is an assessment system that helps programs link quality and youth outcomes together in a comprehensive and integrated fashion. It was developed to help address the accountability challenge that faces afterschool programs.
Ongoing since 2010
This study will test the Afterschool Program Practices Tool's (APT) stability and accuracy as a measure of afterschool program quality.
Ongoing since 1979
NIOST supports the healthy development of children, families, and communities, and advances the OST field through our research, training, advocacy, and tools.
Ongoing since 2007
During this phase of work, National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) will design and develop two additional measurement tools—a youth survey (SAYO-Y) and a family survey (SAYO-F). These two tools will be used by Massachusetts Department of Education grantees to better understand youth needs, their program experiences and help pinpoint areas where youth may benefit from additional support.